12-20-21 Christmas Party
12-20-21 Salvation Army Bell Ringing
12-6-21 Barbara Kimbell from the American Red Cross Blood Drive
11-29-21 Tara Hamilton (Stepping Up Mental Healthin the Criminal Justice System)
11-19-21 “Shine for Shelterbox” Slippery Rock major sponsor
11-8-21 Tiffany, representing the Slippery Rock library accepting the Rotary check
11-6-21 Highway Cleanup Leader
10-30-21 Slippery Rock in Bloom Tulip planting community, student and Rotary project
10-25-21 Sue Stover & Jody Pugh speak about Juvenile Court Services
10-18-21 Neubert Samuel SRU Student partially sponsored by Slippery Rock Rotary Club